Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 is the legal term for the three years of schooling I maintained schools in England and Wales normally known as Year 7 and Year 8. All pupils in this Key Stage must follow a programme of education set out by the National Curriculum in at least 15 areas.

Compulsory National Curriculum Subjects are:
◈ English
◈ Maths
◈ Science
◈ History
◈ Geography
◈ French
◈ Arabic
◈ Design and Technology
◈ Art and Design
◈ Music
◈ Physical Education
◈ Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
◈ Social Studies

The education offered in the Secondary School builds on the students’ previous learning and knowledge from KS2. In KS3 lessons are taught by a series of subjects specialists with the class tutor having the important pastoral role of coordinating all aspects of the pupils’ academic and social development. At Belvedere British School our expectation of our students are high – all participate in the learning process and each child’s contribution to the school is valued.

It is our aim to help prepare children for the adult world and make them more independent and self-aware.