Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 consists of Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
Year 3 and Year 4 (Lower Key Stage 2)

This is a fun year for your child. This stage marks the end of Key Stage 1 as your child enters Key Stage 2.

In English, there is less of a focus on phonics and more on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes. During Maths, you will notice your child will begin to use column addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers this year, as well as learning about multiplication and division and using and applying their times tables knowledge. They will also cover fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, area, perimeter, and shape. Science in Year 3 is engaging and fun. Your child will learn about life processes, rocks, light, forces and magnets, and animals. How to work scientifically and write up their investigations more formally. Exciting and engaging history and geography topics are also taught in Year 3. Reading is critical this year. It is still important to listen to your child read regularly. Ask questions about what they’re reading. This will encourage your child to think deeply about their reading.

Year 3 can be a fun and rewarding year. Children develop and mature at this stage, becoming more independent and empathetic towards others.

In Year 4, children complete exciting science topics such as food chains, sound, electricity, and gases. Fun and engaging history and geography topics are also taught in Year 4. In Maths and English, the teachers will ensure that your Year 4 child knows and understands key skills. For example, Apostrophes, commas, times tables, and key spellings are just some things children are expected to use correctly.

Children often ask questions and their teacher will encourage them to think for themselves too. Could they answer the question themselves? Can they make that
choice? If they can, they learn skills vital for Years 5, 6, and adult life.

Year 5 and Year 6 (Higher Key Stage 2)

Year 5 is a year in which teachers nurture and encourage the feelings of independent thinking, learning and decision making. In Year 5, there are some great Science topics that children love, such as: how the human body works, the solar system, electricity, the different animal groups and working on scientific experiments. Fun and engaging history and geography topics are also taught in Year 5, such as ancient Egypt, the natural world, weather and its causes. These are the subjects that fire the imagination and that children remember. In Maths and English, the teachers aim to ensure that students know and understand particular key skills. Apostrophes, commas, essay writing, biographies, times tables, geometry, statistics and ratios are just some things children in Year 5 will enjoy learning.

In Year 6, there are some great Science topics that children love, such as living things in their habitats, light, electricity, animals, including humans, as well as working on scientific experiments. Fun and engaging history and geography topics are also taught, such as ancient Greece, the natural and man-made wonders, and global warming. These are the subjects that fire the imagination and that children remember.
In Maths and English, the teachers will ensure that your Year 6 child knows and understands particular key skills. For example, apostrophes, commas, essay writing, biographies, times tables, geometry, statistics and ratios are just some things children in Year 6 will enjoy learning.

Overall, perhaps the most important aspect of this year is children’s increasing independence and confidence in what they can achieve at school. Your child will be encouraged to think about their learning. The teacher will enable students to think for themselves and take responsibility for their education.

Subjects Year 3-6
Social Studies
Music, Art and Drama
Moral Education

English KS2

Big Writing provides a school with a comprehensive model that ensures teachers and children know what they can and can’t do, identifying gaps to inform the next steps in teaching and learning accurately. Big Writing is an approach to teaching writing and raising writing standards that focuses on:
The importance of TALK and oral rehearsal
Accurate basic skills – spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting.
Regular and meaningful assessment and target setting.
High expectations for all pupils.
We are giving writing a purpose and making it fun!

KS2 Maths

In Key Stage 2, the principal focus of Maths teaching is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with place value, addition and subtraction, shapes, multiples, length and height, weight and volume, multiplication and division, fractions and money. This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers. In addition, pupils should develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including addition and subtraction, up to 20.

White Rose Maths is shaping assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of Maths. They become independent, reflective thinkers whose skills not only liberate them in Maths but also support them across the curriculum. We’re committed to working together to be and give the best and make a difference to every pupil.

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

We have the highest expectations and each child has a personalised learning journey designed to challenge and support them.

The school has a rigorous half-termly assessment cycle and robust tracking systems to track progress in all subjects. These are kept under constant review and scrutiny by the Senior Leadership Team.

Pupil progress meetings are conducted with all class teachers to discuss progress and early action is taken to address any areas where a pupil’s progress is giving cause for concern. Parents also have an essential role in ensuring their child achieves their full potential. Parents will receive progress report cards and must attend performance review meetings covering their child’s academic progress, attendance, and behaviour.

There are ongoing informal assessments to move children’s learning daily in all lessons. In addition, your child will be formally assessed in all curriculum areas at the end of each term.

Co-Curricular Programme

Although Belvedere British School has academic excellence at its core, we firmly believe that a high-quality co-curricular programme enhances the learning experience beyond the curriculum and is an essential part of school life. A comprehensive programme of enrichment opportunities is offered for all our pupils, aimed at developing key personal skills, aptitudes, and specific interests and talents. They provide opportunities for pupils to try new things and are an excellent medium to foster good relationships between staff, pupils, and parents. They develop children’s social skills by providing a forum for interaction between children of different ages. In addition, our team offers various out-of-school activities such as football, swimming, gymnastics and art and crafts. The Co-Curricular Program changes every term to cater to all pupil’s interests.
More details will be provided before each new term.